samedi 12 décembre 2020

End-of-Year Review: Free issue of EWI’s Financial Forecast


Dear Reader,

For investors worldwide – including you, maybe -- the stock market rallies since March have been one of the biggest head-scratchers of a very head-scratching 2020.

Stocks rallied despite the raging pandemic; despite the shutdowns; despite skyrocketing unemployment and huge economic damage... despite, despite, despite.

Here’s why that could happen:

Market’s aren’t logical. They are emotional.

And no forecasting method anywhere, ever developed, helps you track and forecast markets’ emotions... Elliott waves.

On December 14-18, Elliott Wave International will show you what -- free.

From December 14-18, you get 5 days of excerpts from their 10-page December 2020 Financial Forecast. By Friday, you will have received the entire issue at no charge.

Join EWI’s free 5-day event now.

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