mercredi 28 décembre 2022

Stocks: How Sentiment Measures Offer Clues About What's Likely Next Insights into the stock market as a fractal


By Elliott Wave International

Elliott Wave International's analysts track dozens of indicators, and our U.S. Short Term Update pays particular attention to those which may offer clues about the near-term.

Consider this analysis from the Sept. 26 U.S. Short Term Update, a thrice weekly Elliott Wave International publication which provides analysis of near-term trends of major U.S. financial markets:

Short term measures of investor sentiment indicate excess pessimism. ... Stocks should start a countertrend rally to relieve the downside compression.

No analytical method can guarantee an exact day and time a forecast will be fulfilled -- if it's fulfilled at all. However, some 13 trading days later, the Dow did hit a low. By Nov. 30, the senior index was more than 5,000 points higher. Excess pessimism had morphed into excess optimism. Fear had morphed into complacency.

Indeed, the November Elliott Wave Theorist, a monthly publication which provides analysis of financial markets and major cultural trends, noted:

By several measures, optimism at the current time is equal to or greater than that which held sway at the broad market's all-time high in November 2021 and at the blue chips' all-time high in January 2022!

The stock market pendulum usually starts to swing the other way when an extreme is reached -- in this case, extreme optimism. So, it hasn't been surprising that prices have mainly trended lower since around the beginning of December -- at least, so far.

So, are investors forever locked in to short-term swings between optimism and pessimism?

We all know the answer is "no" from looking at historic stock market charts. We see that short-term trends are part of intermediate term tends, which, in turn, are part of even larger trends and so on. In other words, the stock market is a fractal.

Here's an illustration and commentary from Robert Prechter's book, Last Call:

L'indice FTSE MIB ha chiuso la seduta in ribasso dello 0,4% 23 770

 L'indice FTSE MIB ha chiuso la seduta in ribasso dello 0,4%, in linea con le ampie perdite degli altri

mardi 27 décembre 2022

mardi 20 décembre 2022

Stocks and Economy: Why 2022 May Have Just Been the Preview


"Fight the inertia that will keep you from taking action to prepare for the downturn"

By Elliott Wave International

The main show is likely about to begin.

2022 may have just been a preview of what's ahead for stocks and the economy, which Robert Prechter's Last Chance to Conquer the Crash warned about nearly a year ago, and our Global Market Perspective discussed at the start of 2022.

Let's start with that warning from the January 7, 2022 Global Market Perspective, a monthly Elliott Wave International publication which covers 50-plus worldwide financial markets, via these charts and commentary:

The blue-chip Dow Industrials and S&P 500 ... managed to eke out new highs in the first two trading days of 2022. There is a good chance that Wednesday's trend reversal is the start of a long-term decline.

FTSE MIB chiude poco mosso a 23.720

 L'indice FTSE MIB ha ridotto le perdite iniziali per chiudere poco sopra della chiusura di ieri  a 23.720 , 


vendredi 16 décembre 2022

inflazione in Italia si è attestato all'11,8%

 Il tasso d'inflazione annua in Italia si è attestato all'11,8% nel novembre 2022, in linea con le stime





 Giovedì la BCE ha alzato i tassi di 0,50 punti percentuali, un aumento moderato dopo due aumenti di 0,75 punti, ma ha inviato  un messaggio di fermezza per ribadire che la lotta all'inflazione non è finita.

Questi annunci, uniti a quelli altrettanto duri della Federal Reserve statunitense e a dati macroeconomici poco incoraggianti che mostrano un rallentamento dell'attività economica degli Stati Uniti, delineano un quadro poco incoraggiante per l'economia dei prossimi mesi.


CAC40 60 MIN